Trying to get ready to change states is always difficult physically and emotionally. It's hard to leave family and friends and the house we have worked so hard on this summer. Pipe is mostly in, plants are in the ground, still have mulch to move and deck to finish, laundry and packing to do, but the rest of the house stuff will fall to our winter caretakers, David and MA. It will be in good hands, but it's still hard to go. Florida is so welcoming this time of year!!!

Todd, Dave and Blue have worked hard. A snarl of pipes going in over roots (we know the stumps are gone), a mess untangled graciously, and uncommonly heavy work. . .the excavator works great on the big stuff, but lots of hand shoveling!

Cody, nephew, is leaving next week to go to San Diego to live with friends for awhile, didnt work out for Jon, but hopefully will for Cody. He's going to ride his (motor)cycle down the Pacific Coast Hwy, should be a great trip!

Louie and I went overseas (to the mainland) yesterday for a stack of errands and another battle at the apple store (they have been great, just don't know how to reinstall backed up data and don't want to lose it. Has been frustrating, but think finally I may be ok. Needed to get it all backed up before I take it in the i-lugger through the airport. If I lose pics one more time. . .they will stay lost!. Had dinner at pf chang's and it was great, but we ate too much. . .

Looking forward to seeing friends and family (and pets) in florida. Miss screamer, the cat and Yacqui the bird. Wonder if they remember who I am?
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