Went to Orlando to a computer conference. Learned a lot about photoshop and had a great time with Susan. We don't get enough talk time usually. Was like old times, we couldn't tell which pile of money,change and cards came out of whose pockets and were not surprised to be wearing the same brand and style of shoe (different color, though). The hotel had great patterns in their rugs.

Went from Orlando to Gainesville to see a documentary that her daughter-in-law was involved with. Her grandson, Bo, is adorable and so grown up at 3.

Home saturday in time to do some stuff with the tampa house (keep fingers crossed) and then home to switch cars and go get Jannie at the airport. Her plane got in 45 minutes early!!! Pilot must have had a hot date or something. We've been busy catching up since then.

Quiet times here. Weather nice enough for some dock time. Lindsay came by sunday and we cracked open two coconuts and made pina coladas with fresh coconut and the milk. Coconuts looked like they had faces! Jonathan cooked us a fabulous dinner.

Monday was quiet, painted this morning. Finally rousted us out for dinner at the Hurricane and to the grocery store. Planning a super bowl party!
Garden gave us a bunch of arugula yesterday, tomatoes will be awhile.
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