Brenda came down and we teamed up for 2 days and baked cookies:peanutbutter, choc chip, choc-choc chip, cakemix choc chip, black pepper (a new favorite), pumpkin raisin, oatmeal date, fruit , ginger, sugar, cherry winks, 2kinds of shortbread, nut balls, candied fresh cranberries and molasses. I think that was the whole list. We were tired and happy.

went out and test drove kayaks again. found a sit-on-top ocean kayak on sale. Made sense to use the one we have and just get a second one for now. The "good" ie fast and expensive kayaks were awesome, but the one we got is stable (so camera comfortable) and easy to get in and out of if we wanted to swim or just dink around the island. it's yellow!!! At some point, we might think about the other ones (they were made in WA) if we decide we want to do longer trips or surf, but as of now. . .it's play time.

you can see that we have to watch the tides to kayak. go out with water, stay out too long and it's a long way around to get home. Charts say there is a foot of water out there!!!!! now that winter (?) is here, water is really clear.
packages are wrapped and mailed. great accomplishment.
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