Saturday was another thanksgiving dinner. Martha has ferreted out a fabulous recipe for turkey and stuffing, gravy and an amazing salad (grapefruit, dates, olives,broccoli with a citrus dressing. It was a replay of a very successful meal in november. Bill was great company despite the plague of allergies.
Jonathan stayed home to welcome/supervise the landing of David's fishing boat in it's vacation home. Means we will see David and Denise more often! David started off in beautiful skies and took the outside route to get here. Unfortunately, before he got here, the fog (????) rolled in and cut his visibility drastically and there was a downpour. Adventures to be had. Both boat and David arrived safe and sound.
pics are from another foggy/rainy day, the ocean spray (white flowers) clung to the horses like snow.

New year's "word" (not resolution) will be "release". Letting go of things, ideas and situations that are no longer necessary, viable options, or are just plan clutter. Have made a good dent even before the "word"", but plan to continue for the next year. One of the projects already started is rearranging upstairs rooms. Office will become reading/meditation/guest room, studio gets the office computer desk and studio table goes outside to take its real job in life, patio furniture. . . All zip drives now on cd's (thank you jonathan) so the old computer will go to a new happy home somewhere. Of course, that mean filtering through all of studio "stuff". . . The horse pics are from one of the re(disk)covered zip drives!
yay 2008
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