exciting 3 weeks. jannie has been here and we have been exploring. (in no particular order of events) went to see the "full monty" at hudson dinner theater with rock and bren, better than the movie, easier to understand the dialog and lots of cute butts. food was good as was the company

tried out waverunners, jannie and I went by ourselves one day and just puttered around the canals. . .water was pretty choppy and it was my first time to drive one in the last 20 yrs!

went to see the "jersey boys" at the performing arts center. was the story of frankie valli and the 4 seasons. music was delightful and had side balcony seats that were chairs instead of theater seats, much more flexible arrangement.
superbowl party (with superbowl sundaes!), Got some great dolphin videos that weekend (thanks jake, yours were terrific). party was great fun and lots of food, jannie set up a board and we all picked squares, jake and lindsay were the big winners. got to see long missed friends!
the floating dock went in, have been looking at them since Christmas time, Quite a procedure to get them from truck to water and it was a windy day. Cliff and helper used a water jet to dig hole to sink 4-21'steel poles to anchor it. Now we can sit and stick our feet in the water or swim without having to get in on the channel side. Easy to launch kayaks or sit with a book!

but the biggest news is probably that the tampa house is sold!!!!!

started my 1 on 1 apple training, learning lots, go once a week. . .finally figured out how to get the video from the new camera past iphoto (it's an mpeg and had to change to dv with downloaded software called VLC player) to work on my movie software.
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