Good morning all,
It has been a crazy week. Our bird, Yacky, flew the coop. Something to do with spring and freedom and probably just sheer butt-headedness (it was one of his charms. . .) Couldn't believe we were so close and yet so far from getting him back. He left on thursday, we saw him friday (a short ladder reach away until wings took to the wind) and again saturday morning when he thumbed his nose from the top of a 40' palm tree, resisting even potato chips. . .The neighborhood really pulled together, close neighbors, dog walkers, joggers, everyone kept an eye out for him. Jonathan put signs up and walked several times a day and kayaked in hopes of catching a glimpse or a meoooooow.
Saturday night was a hard rain and little did we know he had found shelter and a soul mate in a young man, son of some neighbors across the pond in east shores (we didn't look there, thinking he would stay on our island), but he found their oak trees and walked onto their porch) yet another family to love him. Yacky traveled around on his shoulders, took a tub bath (he would never do that for me), peeled bananas on their kitchen table and made himself at home. The next day while the young man was building a cage for him (until they located his owners), since he didnt like staying in the bathroom by himself, he had yet another opportunity to spread those wings and headed for the trees. Unfortunately, sunday night it got down into the 40's and the family found him the next morning in a permanent sleep. They were heartbroken, as were many of the people who came into contact with him and tried to will him back alive, but no luck. We are grateful for their giving him a great last weekend, but in truth, Yacky had a strong will and made choices that came from his bird nature, he just didn't explain them to us. We probably would have understood.
He touched lives more deeply than I had imagined. Jonathan is really missing him, it is so quiet. Others, family and strangers have called and expressed sorrow and sadness mixed with great stories of his influence.
From Maryanne, my great friend said. . . " that bird stole my heart...instantly. remember the first time i met him? after it got through to me that i didn't need to be fussy* or afraid of him ... i sat by his cage for hours talking with him...touching his sternum through his cage. and finally - when i had to get up and stretch he was SO annoyed with me. how DARE i entertain the thought of being anywhere but adoring him. he is a lifetime model of self possession and personal esteem".
I think spring probably did have something to do with it. . .Annie, the dog walker, lost hers 2 weeks before ours and Pat and Herb lost theirs a year ago at this time (they were lucky and got theirs back the next day), mating seasons affect even ones that aren't around others. . .Quite a community of animal/bird lovers. John, the mailman, even carried potato chips in the mail truck. Thanks to all who helped and supported. Yacky would have just considered it his due. . .being the center of the universe and all. May you blow your siren at the boats going by from your resting place near the sea wall where you can keep tabs on the world. . .. .we miss you.

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