Hotel Huie is in full season swing. . .the Peabody has nothing on us!!!!
Spent 4 days at Investment U last week. Lots of interesting information, but my brain is so full it seems to be oozing out my ears. . .they fed us well, too and the brain isn't the only thing that got full. Was great to have Brenda and Rock added to the Hotel Huie guest list.
Hannah and Emily came down to visit, so we met in Sarasota with Gary. Turtle Beach was "chamber of commerce" beautiful, dinner at Gary's new digs was delightful.

Bill and Martha came over for Bill's birthday and he brought his new toy and cleaned our deck. . .what a deal! To top that off, he also cut our 2 giant alligators and primed them for painting. Can't wait to get to those. We also took a trip (actually 2) to Tarpon Springs and the sponge docks. . .the best part is the food, although I got turned on to Japanese eggplant from a veggie guy on the street. . .it has spoiled me for eggplant. Have put in the "mom's garden request". . .just a reminder, mom!!! love you all

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