Wednesday the stove was delivered and set up. Should keep us warm this winter. Our installer was too much fun. He had that "skirt" to walk on the carpet so he didnt get it dirty. Got a bit of grief from us and the crew! People are so nice and friendly here! What a great bunch they were.

Yesterday went to Mom's and she and Marjorie helped me make a rhubarb leaf-shaped concrete bird bath, actually 2, and 2 stepping stones. Quite a project mixing all that sand and cement. . . covered it with plastic wrap and should be hardened in 7 days, but I'm sure I will peek before then. Mom hauled the stuff to the garden in her new used mower complete with trailer!! How much fun is that? Her blue mophead hydrangeas are turning green, they are about 10" across!

Today was grand central station. Started with the irrigation guy, Paul, bringing a new valve cover at 8am, propane people came and set 2 tanks for the stove (we froze last year when the power went out for days at a time. . .this will guarantee a mild winter), sears dropped off a refrigerator, the mulch truck came with 15 more yds, and my brother and Woody, a friend from Florida, finished the parade. . .A grand day. Lots of things to check off my list. Jonathan did the hard work, sorting and unloading from the old to the new!
1 comment:
Your pics are GREAT!!! How I wish I was there right now! It is so darn hot here. We got car back today....3 new tires. They couldn't find anything wrong with the top. (of course) Stove is really nice. A new frig? lol Find anything interesting in the freezer? :&)
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