Jonathan worked inside, I worked outside. Planted all the flowers in pots or the ground. Dug out blackberry bushes and wild roses out of theLavendar bed. Steady all day. Irrigation guy, Paul came and put in new valves and fixed directions on the sprinkler heads. Yay! The boys got sidetracked today, so didn't get to the 15 yds of mulch or the edging. There's always tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow , we are zipping overseas to see brother Gary and pick friend Sandra up at the airport. The lavendar Pi pic is from Friday Harbor lavendar farm and sculpture garden, not my backyard. . .

Baby birds now have sortof feathers, the mom yells alot whenever anyone comes near. . . Bunnies are out and chippy munk came into the house again 3 times. Hope he found his way out again!

Yesterday, 8/9 was a shopping adventure with mom and jonathan to oak harbor. . .chinese buffet, home depot (tools), office max and wally world. More plants, potting mix, blades for the edger, all that fun stuff. Even saw some sunshine. When we got back, Jon had finished mulching the middle bed and it looked fabulous! photo of Jon at computer.

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